Jo Dunning - The Quick Pulse Technique© (1 Viewer)


Staff member
Friday 11.06.2021
Jo Dunning ima jos i vrlo korisne aktivacije o kojima vise mozete saznati ovdje: Jo Dunning: 3 besplatne aktivacije buđenja

Te aktivacije su dogadaj koji se desava jednom godisnje. Ali, zato ima i svaki mjesec, zadnjeg utorka, vrlo korisnu tehniku kojoj svatko moze prisustvovati, tkz. tehnika brzog pulsa, tj. The Quick Pulse Technique©

Jedini problem je sto je to malo kasno za nas u nasoj vremenskoj zoni, jer se desava oko 2:15 u noci u srijedu (kod nje je utorak, zato se to reklamira kao svaki zadnji utorak u mjesecu). Ali, mislim da se to isplati odraditi, osjecaj i uvidi koje sam imao dok sam to radio mi govore da je to dobra tehnika. Pa, ako se mozete probuditi u to vrijeme u noci jednom mjesecno, vrijedi isprobati.

Evo sto kaze sama Jo na svojoj stranici i mailu o toj tehnici:

The FREE Quick Pulse TeleconferenceNEW TIME FORMAT OPTIONS
5:15 PM - Pacific Time
Important Introductory Instructions
Recommended if new to the process.

5:30 PM - Pacific Time
Quick Pulse Session Begins
If already familiar with the process.

Right now, we are in such powerful times with unexpected changes taking place world wide. As challenging as it is, this is the time to stay focused, calm, make wise choices and reach out to each other with loving support.

If you would like to receive very powerful Energy to help restore balance to your life, you might want to consider attending the Free Quick Pulse Teleconference taking place today, Tuesday, at 5:15 PM, Pacific Time, 8:15 PM, Eastern Time.

This free webinar, offered by Jo Dunning Events, provides you a way to address the many concerns which may be going on in your life right now. You can listen by phone or online. Details on how to connect are below.

During this workshop, you can receive the Energy of this powerful technique to assist you in so many areas of your life. You can choose whatever areas you want including: providing support to your health; addressing the expansion of your Consciousness and providing life changing opportunities for your finances, relationship, mental focus and so much more.

The Quick Pulse Technique©, developed by Jo Dunning, is one of the most powerful and life changing techniques available. It is part of the rapidly expanding area of study called Energy Medicine and is a premier, cutting edge process that has changed lives around the world.

It takes only 3 minutes to use and is done sitting quietly in silence. It can be done individually working with a certified Quick Pulse Practitioner. Or in a large group facilitated by a Certified Quick Pulse Practitioner.

This amazing technique rapidly balances aspects of the mind, body or emotions. The results are often called miraculous as old issues dissolve and joy, happiness, abundance, comfort and freedom emerge.

The Technique is able to help resolve most life issues in a very simple and rapid manner. It has been used successfully with a wide variety of items.

This Quick Pulse Teleconference is offered each month in a large group format via webinar or telephone. It is facilitated by a Certified Quick Pulse Practitioner. Instructions are given during each teleconference. All participant lines are muted for complete privacy.

To prepare for the Quick Pulse Teleconference, make a list of 4 or 5 things you would like to have different in your life. This list is just for your use to help remind you of the items you would like to change.

They can be items that relate to any aspect of your life such as:

Physical conditions
Unwanted personality traits
Limiting beliefs
Unpleasant or difficult past experiences
Low self-esteem
And many other limiting life experiences
The Quick Pulse Teleconference is on the last Tuesday of each month. This Call is available live only and is not recorded for replay.

Njene dogadaje mozete pogledati ovdje: EVENTS

Takoder se mozete pretplatiti i na mail listu, tako da dobijate mailove kada se desavaju dogadaji, kao sto je to Quick Pulse dogadaj.


Staff member
Friday 11.06.2021
Tuzna vijest, Jo Dunning je preminula jucer:

Jo Dunning April 6, 1944 - July 29, 2024 Beloved Teacher Dearest Friend Source of InspirationWe are writing to let you know about a great change in our personal world. Following forty plus years of guiding, mentoring and inspiring us all, our beloved teacher and dearest friend has passed.

Jo Dunning left this world on July 29, 2024.

Our Hearts are heavy with an array of emotions. Sadness beyond measure. But also deep love, profound respect, and tremendous gratitude for the journey we shared.

In her final days, Jo requested to send you one more message. Here is what she wanted you to know.

Jo's Message To YouYou are always in the forefront of my mind, as I found ways of Inspiration and Expansion, to help guide you and your loved ones into loving service.

You each have your own personal stories of this wonderful support in your Life.

I ask that you know of my deep Love for you and your path.

And I ask that you carry my deep Love and caring for you from my path on the other side.

May you continue holding a very bright Light in your Being. Your presence in this world is a gift to you and to all of the world.

I am with you always,


Jo Dunning has touched our lives with great compassion, and genuine caring. She will live on in our thoughts, our prayers and our most treasured memories into Infinity.

We will be updating you in the weeks to come on the continued availability of Jo's beautiful content and life's work, that has enriched our lives in so many ways.

Please consider visiting Jo's Tribute Page on her website, to share your personal sentiments for this extraordinary earth angel.



Staff member
Friday 11.06.2021
Nazalost, nakon smrti Jo Dunning, odlucili su ne nastaviti s Quick Pulse telekonferencijama. :(

Obavijest o prekidu Quick Pulse telekonferencija
For many years now, the Quick Pulse Teleconference calls generously offered all of us such wonderful support, elevating our well being and improving our lives. Routinely taking place the last Tuesday of every month, these calls had become as much a tradition as they were a great blessing.

As Jo is no longer with us to hold Sacred Space for these sessions, the Quick Pulse Teleconference calls will be discontinued beginning this month. They will be missed, yet we are all so enriched for having experienced them as we did.

As this chapter draws to a close, we hope you will join us in expressing our sincerest gratitude to Nancy Ennis, the Quick Pulse Teleconferences Facilitator.

Nancy's ability to share the Quick Pulse transmissions in such a loving and consistent manner was a testament to Jo's impeccable training. It was also a testament to Nancy and her willingness to fill that all important and entrusted role.

We thank you for your understanding.

Warm Regards,

The Jo Dunning Events Support Team

Steta, tehnika je bila bas interesantna, iako malo kasno za nas u ovoj vremenskoj zoni (pola 3 u noci u zadnju srijedu u mjesecu).

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