Mi ljudi, toliko razlika i sličnosti (1 Viewer)


Staff member
Friday 11.06.2021
Vidio sam ovaj post na jednom forumu, pa sam onda krenuo razmisljati o tome koliko smo mi ljudi razliciti, koliko je to bogatstvo s jedne strane, te opcenito, pozelio sam ga podijeliti s vama ovdje:

I speak Portuguese, and I live in Brazil in Santa Catarina, I love this place, because of the "cultural melting pot", at school I used to dance popular Italian songs, and at home I watched my grandfather's German films, I learned to curse in Tupi-Guarani with my Portuguese-Brazilian grandmother and drinking tea with cake from my riverside grandmother (indigenous), I would go to Pai de Santo in a religion of African origin to seek protection and drink chimarrão, the sacred herb of the Indians, symbol of the union of the People from the south of Brazil (or it was supposed to be not everything is perfect). Not to mention that many words we use come from Arabic, indigenous languages, English or African languages. I love this subject, I intend to one day visit the country of all of you who can speak "Hello, shall we have a cup of coffee?" in your language.
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Ovako nesto me tjera da razmisljam, kada zivimo svoj zivot u kontaktu s drugima, svasta vidimo i iskusimo, stvari koje nismo mogli zamisliti bez tog kontakta. A opet, na jedan nacin taj kontakt tako nesto i unistava, jer ljudi s vremenom teze da nadu sto je moguce vise dodirnih tocaka i onda su stvari sve manje razlicite i sve vise slicne i jednake.

Interesantno, mozda jednog dana budemo tako pricali o susretima s bicima s drugih planeta, pa mozda i iz drugih svemira, stvarnosti, pa mozda i frekvencija. Vec sada su neki od nas u kontaktu s takvim bicima, a s vremenom to postane mozda i puno prisutnije.

Eto, sada sam i to podijelio s vama. ?


Staff member
Friday 11.06.2021
Huh, evo jos jednog citata iz iste "serije", koliko ljudski zivoti mogu biti razliciti i to dramaticno:

KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. We have 17 languages, of them I'd consider 3 as my first language, Afrikaans, Zulu and English. I can get by with an additional 4 Xhosa, Shoto, nDebeli and Khoe Khoe. My lifestyle is sort of exiled kingdoms like, I live in a treehouse near the beach, but deeply entrenched in the bush. I carry a "walking stick" called "Monks Cowl" and a monkey fist in my pocket to keep me safe (and have had to use them om occasion). We don't need a war as the death toll from murders exceeds that of most war zones. In fact I've felt more threatened on the streets of the three cities that ive lived in than i did during the 5 years I was at war in Angola. I dont consider myself a lovely person, just a survivor.
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Koliko je to bogatstvo tako razlicitih iskustava, zivot na stablu kraj oceana, biti u ratu u kojem se osjecas sigurnije nego doma...

Zivot je definitivno nesto jako razlicito od onog sto mi mislimo da jeste, te ima toliko mnogo tako razlicitih lica i nalicja.

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